Plenty of companies spend a lot of effort into creating the perfect website and put a lot of time and money into creating a great look. That’s a commendable business strategy. After all, your website…
If you are not habituated with BDIX server then this is high time to get involved with this. This web hosting service in Bangladesh is established by the local data centers for smooth and fast…
Hosting plays a major role nowadays in your website rankings. A better hosting package can make your website more handsome in nature. A faster web hosting will give your visitor a pleasant visit to your…
If you wish to make a new website then domain and hosting is the main lifeline of that website. Domain and hosting is the key part of any website. The more your hosting is fast…
In terms of taking service from any company, we are always looking for the best thing. In the case of domain hosting service, we are always in a dilemma in choosing a service provider. Finding…
For any kind of website building, you need to choose the best hosting plan. This will not only help you to make a fast website but also help you to rank higher in Google. It…
Digital platforms are blooming nowadays with hypersonic speed. Digitals services are now the lifeline of people. Dianahost cannot think anything without this. From updated news to transportation to food delivery, everything is now available in…
E-commerce is now one of the top blooming business segment in the world. In the last 5 years, there is a revolution in this sector. Many new platforms are coming every month in the online…
বিভিন্ন রকম হোস্টিং এর ধরন | Types of Hosting হোস্টিং কয়েক ধরনের হতে পারে। নীচের আলোচনায় আমরা হোস্টিং এর ধরন গুলো বিশদ ভাবে দেখবো। ১.বিনামূল্যে হোস্টিং করা (Free hosting) ছোটখাট ব্যাক্তিগত ওয়েব সাইটের জন্য এই…
আপনারা হয়তো অনেক সাইট ভিজিট করে দেখেছেন লিঙ্ক এ HTTPS দিয়ে লোড হয় (যেমন,,, ইত্যাদি) এবং ব্রাওজারে গ্রীন কালারের একটা লক চিহ্ন দেখা যায়, ক্রম ব্রাওজার ইউজারের ক্ষেত্রে পুরো HTTPS অংশটিই…